Instagram verifies "un-skippable" ad testing.


After social media users started sharing screenshots of the feature, Instagram said that it is testing un-skippable adverts. According to instructional material shown in the Instagram app, these new ad breaks will display a countdown meter that prevents users from viewing other content on the app until they view the ad.

With that tweak, the social network would resemble YouTube's free version more—which forces viewers to watch advertisements both before and during content. It seems natural that Instagram would think about using this approach as well, as the social media platform has evolved over time to become more of a venue for sharing videos rather than just still images, owing to features like Stories and Reels.

A representative for the Meta firm stated, "We're always testing formats that can drive value for advertisers. As we test and learn, we will provide updates should this test result in any formal product changes."

A Reddit user explained that you will receive a notification stating, "You’re seeing an ad break. Ad breaks are a new way of seeing ads on Instagram. Sometimes you may need to view an ad before you keep browsing."

Several commenters attested to having occasionally seen the feature as well. As one can expect, most of the responses were unfavorable. When they saw "ad breaks" like this on Instagram, some users vowed to close the app, while others declared they would never use it again. Commenters also questioned whether this choice was made at the expense of the customer experience in an attempt to boost ad engagement.

Although the functionality is still just under testing, it shows how far Meta is prepared to go in order to enhance ad income by experimenting with the app's core user experience.

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